celloles bij Sebastiaan de Rode


Annual Subscription

There are 34 lessons per season. The lessons are held on a weekly basis. If a student is absent, the lesson is considered missed and will not be rescheduled. If any lessons remain at the end of the season due to a teacher's cancellation, these will be refunded. Payment in two installments is possible upon agreement.


To terminate lessons, a notice period of 8 lessons (2 months) applies. Any remaining lessons after this period will be refunded. If there are any lessons left at the end of a season, they will be refunded. Students can always purchase additional individual lessons.


Lesson Card

A punch card, with a credit of 5 or 10 lessons, is purchased in advance by the student. The total number of lessons on the card is paid upfront. Payment in two installments is also possible upon agreement.


The lessons are scheduled individually with the teacher, depending on the availability of both the student’s and teacher’s availability.


The lesson card is personal and valid for 1 year from the date of issue. If the student stops lessons prematurely, any remaining lessons on the card will not be refunded or transferred to other people. A maximum of 20 lessons per season can be purchased using lesson cards.


Lesson Terms

Lessons can be rescheduled by a student up to 48 hours in advance. If a lesson is canceled by the student less than 48 hours before the scheduled time, it will be charged as a missed lesson.


School holidays are generally observed according to the regional calendar. If there is sufficient interest, lessons may continue during the holidays upon request, though this is not mandatory.


In the event of the teacher’s illness, lessons will be rescheduled. In case of the student’s illness, lessons are generally not made up or refunded.


Lessons are provided on an individual basis. If there is sufficient demand, group lessons may be held a few times a year.


During lessons, recitals, and other activities organized by Bas de Rode, photos may be taken. These may be displayed on his website, Facebook, and Instagram, and available for download. By participating in these activities, you automatically give consent for this, unless you explicitly state otherwise.