celloles bij Sebastiaan de Rode


Cello lessons


I have been teaching cello with great pleasure for many years. Playing the cello is for people of all ages (minimum age of students for me is 5 years old) and of all levels. Whether you would like to learn the basics of playing the cello or to take your playing to a higher level, please feel free to contact me for more information about lessons and to book a trial lesson.

Playing music with other musicians - from small ensembles to large orchestras - is one of the most enjoyable parts of making music. From playing music together you learn a lot: besides having lots of fun, you learn to listen to each other for example. Therefore, I spend a great deal of the lessons on ensemble playing. Of course we’ll also work on hearing training, reading notes, music theory and posture behind the instrument.


Perhaps you already play with a pianist or other musicians. Maybe you have an ensemble and you are looking for someone to listen to the overall balance and to give some pointers. I teach and coach music ensembles of many different instruments (for example piano trio or string quartet) and offer coaching sessions alongside my regular lessons.


My lessons are held on a weekly basis and at my studio, especially in the beginning. I offer 30, 45 and 60-minute lessons, depending on age, level and desire.













The following days I teach at these locations:

   Monday        - Lisse, cinema Floralis

   Wednesday  - Haarlem, Lutherse Kerk

   Thursday      - Purmerend, music school Van Ingen

   Friday           - Lisse, cinema Floralis


Check the price list for rates and extra charges.



I teach in a couple of cities during the week. When you live in or close to one of the following cities:

  • Amsterdam,
  • Haarlem, Heemstede / Aerdenhout,
  • Lisse / Sassenheim /
  • Hillegom
  • Purmerend
  • Diemen / Weesp.

Except for Amsterdam, lessons can be addressed at your home, at a minimum of 45 minutes: